Below is a growing list of wonderful organisations that support our work.

‘Inspirational project – beautiful and very moving!’
Dale Rooks, Chichester Festival Theatre and board member of Creative County West Sussex
‘The projects in the hotels and that fantastic afternoon at Broadfields was magical. Unless you go into those hotels you have no idea of how incredibly bleak it all is. To see people transformed – to express their joy and sorrow through music, to see them engaged, connect, laughing and smiling – was really special!’
Cathy Merry, Welcome Refugees Crawley
‘Inviting the asylum seekers to join in with the local community is crucial. The joy on everyone’s faces was phenomenal. This is needed in so many more hotels. We want to keep building this partnership!’.
Lena Abdu, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, ABC (NHS)
‘Jim, Darren and the amazing team - such powerful work as always! I feel that you’re creating a model here that could have huge national and eventually international impact. Very exciting!’
Abigail D’Amore, Music and Arts as Social Activism consultant
‘When can you return? We had amazing feedback from those who attended your performance!’
Tracy Frake, Centre Manager, Broadfield Community Centre
One World Orchestra is an emerging organization currently hosted by social enterprise The Human Hive as part of its incubator programme. The Human Hive trains, supports and empowers ChangeMaking individuals and organisations who are working to regenerate People, Places and Planet. The incubator programme supports new ChangeMaker projects to get off the ground by providing advice, training and infrastructure until ready to become independent. Support is non-financial and is only given to organisations that share key Human Hive values, working With, not For others to make a more welcoming, sustainable and inclusive world.

Special recognition
Much of our training has evolved from Musicians Without Borders methodology and approaches and we would like to thank this wonderful organisation for their ongoing love and support.
Core members of the team have developed their skills extensively through programmes delivered by Surrey Music Hub who are a sector leader when it comes to supporting displaced children and young people. We would like to express our admiration and gratitude to the work that this organisation continues to do in this field.